Reflections, day 61

I met with a friend last night who urged me (and everyone) to journal during this time of pandemic/Coronacation.  I am starting to fervently agree.  This is a weird time in our history, a dystopian part of who we are going to become as a society, and in 10 years, 20 years, etc. we will be asked what we did during the Corona pandemic.  So here's my yesterday:

I woke up before my rooster and fixed a few computers for @gr8fullyfeclub, had some coffee, started a fire so my wife would have a warm place to have her coffee, let the chickens out to free range.  I delivered a computer, got a dozen eggs from a local farm (and my mini fridge back that she never got around to using).  I arranged that she give me 6 baby chicks when they hatch from her flock to enhance mine.  We planted a row of kale and lettuce and herbs in our garden after I tilled that section again. 

It was a beautiful day, and you could almost forget you were in corona, except when you went out and everyone was masked.  I almost shook someone's hand and then remembered, and elbow bumped instead.  We had a bonfire with a few friends, socially distanced of course, but it was nice to socialize after so much time on our own. 

Corona has had strange consequences; for instance, my charity has blown up because the need that I have always seen, the need for everyone to have a device that can access the internet, is highlighted in the pandemic time.  Everyone has to zoom meeting in for everything, and without a working device that is difficult.  Those with tech skills or the ability to quickly acquire them are flourishing, and those who are unable or unwilling to adapt are struggling. 

Today I plan to fix a few more computers, get a free boat, deliver some fixed computers and garden tools to a friend, put a few more rows in the garden, and spend time with my family.  Let's see how day 61 goes.  Be well, be safe and healthy all.

