Happy Holidays, Pandemic style

 Good morning everybody,

Happy Holidays!  I hope wherever you are and whatever you celebrate, you can adapt the celebration to be Pandemic-safe.  For me, it's Christmas and even though I'm not a believer, I'm a cultural christian I suppose.  I celebrate with my family and friends, even if I don't buy the religious underpinnings of the holiday.  I like the tradition, the culture of it - that everyone should do thoughtful things for their fellow man, the tree, the stockings, the gift giving (even if I'm pretty bad at it lol).

In general, I like gift giving whenever I see something someone would like, rather than when the holiday dictates.  But getting in the Xmas spirit means I'm looking a bit harder than I normally would.  So a month ago, my mom got an air fryer.  My dad got a beanie hat.  My mom got earbuds for her walks.  I don't think it should be just one day that we're looking for thoughtful things for the folks we love.  

As far as covid . . . . there will be no xmas hugs, most of the day will be masked, and I will be at a table by myself for dinner.  We'll still do gifts and stuff, and it will be nice I'm sure.  But I can't help but realize - no real tree, no lights, no ornaments.  I did hang a stocking for myself, but it's not a real stocking unless somebody else does it for you I don't think.  I try to still ensure that people in my life that I care about are taken care of, and I hope I accomplished that.  I shopped local, yesterday (and a bit today for some extra candles from 3236tinave) and I went for scents and things people could feel (and smell and use).  I guess soap is important this year, and candles are nice too.  

Anyhow, I hope you all have a happy holiday and stay safe and as socially distant as you can!


