Hobbies (Pandemic new-year)

 Hi all,

I'm interested in what you have started doing, or started doing again, during this pandemic.  For me, it's been a whole lot of fishing, including kayak fishing the ocean which I hadn't done before.  Now that it's winter, this will include ice fishing, tying flies, and much more computer repair than before.  I keep up with my lumber-jacking, start cleaning and organizing my house (though this goes in fits and spurts), try to walk in a socially distanced way with my friends and family, got a divorce (thanks Pandemic), and took on 5 jobs like a complete moron.  

The stress made it so that I was doing the "work hard, play hard" thing - which is a terrible idea, pretty much always.  I was doing 60 hours a week at school, in addition to 6 hours at the college, 4 hours of tutoring, and still helping my uncle as a home health care aide for 4 hours a week.  Then I was going out to happy hour with my colleague a few nights a week.  I also tried to keep my charity running (delivering and picking up computers from FB marketplace and craigslist, fixing them, giving them to folks who need them).  I needed to scale it down/back.  

Anyhow, back to the productive things: I fly tied, fly fished, ocean fished, hiked and walked, and took a bit better care of my house, as well as cooking more food at home than usual.  Please comment what you've been doing differently if you are willing to share.

Have a great corona-saturday all,

