Reactions, day ? 5-19-2020

I think Corona is giving me the time and space to reevaluate who I want to be as a person.  I'm really enjoying my rototilling business, making good money on the side and hopefully getting people the job they want in terms of quality.  I don't mind being a bit blue collar and working for myself, and it gives me cash to play with. 

I'm taking a Real Estate course, thinking about flipping houses and being a landlord again, and generating passive income streams again.  Instead of looking to an angel investor to make my charity run, I am preparing to be that person myself.  So in two of my careers, I would work for myself.  In my third, I would work for the college, get my benefits and use my teaching degree. 

So here's how I picture my days going forward:
a) Wake up and have my coffee
b) fix a few computers
c) go to work at the Real Estate Office
d) Walk across the street to the college, teach some math or computers
e) walk back across the street, sit in my charity store for a few minutes and maybe sell a computer or two, or some consignment adventure gear
repeat any of the above until it's time for lunch or dinner.
f) get to the YMCA at some point

In this new, more flexible life, I would have more time for my family, more income, and would be doing what I love.  Selling and buying real estate would be a way for me to help my clients become wealthy/wealthier, as well as help them invest in themselves.  Going from renting to owning is a big step financially, and one I'd love to see more of my friends and family take.  Owning rental property is one of the ways to become wealthy or stay that way, and I'd like to guide people down that path as well. 
